Training Programs

Training Unit under UPM Education & Training provides certified training and non-certified training to the clients. Our clients includes government and private sector including International clients.




Distance Learning & Franchise Program

Distance Learning Program

UPMHoldings through the UPM Education & Training Sdn. Bhd. manage and coordinate the UPM Distance Learning Program for Diploma, Bachelor and Master Level for working people.

The program offers are:

Diploma 1. Diploma in Youth Development Work
2. Diploma in Human Development
Bachelor 1. Bachelor of Communication
  2. Bachelor of Science (Human Resource Development)
  3. Bachelor of Science (Human Development)
  4. Bachelor of Education (Teaching of English as a Second Language)
  5. Bachelor of Arts (English Language)
  6. Bachelor of Arts (Malay Language and Linguistics)
  7. Bachelor of Agriculture Science
Master 1. Master of Human Resource Development
  2. Master of Corporate Communication
  3. Master of Education (Education Administration)
  4. Master of Education (Teaching of Malay as a First Language)
  5. Master of Malay Language

Franchise Program

In cooperation with the private institutions offering UPM programs for Diploma and Bachelor for school-leavers.

The Private Institutions and the programs offered as shows in the image below.